Deep Dive Lab: Marketing Your Business Online Without a Website
Join digital marketing strategist Sarah Benoit as she shares best practices and steps for developing a digital communications ecosystem that is affordable and positions you for success in the future.

Websites are an incredibly valuable tool for any brand, but not every business starts with the time, money, and resources to learn how to build a website or hire a professional designer. That doesn’t mean you can’t create an impactful, revenue-generating online presence that launches your company or organization to the public. Building an organized, cohesive brand image and voice on the Internet with other communications tools can prepare you for a website launch that takes your sales and growth to the next level. Join digital marketing strategist Sarah Benoit as she shares best practices and steps for developing a digital communications ecosystem that is affordable and positions you for success in the future.
Date & Time
July 13, 2023
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Participating Businesses
Western Women’s Business Center