Women in Business Spotlight - Caroline Long Tindall
Dec 05, 2024 10:20AM ● By WNC Business
Caroline is the mother of two adult children with autism. Caroline’s
challenges for her own children were the motivation for helping others.
She founded St. Gerard House in 2010 as a therapeutic center for
children with autism to provide therapy and also hope and resources for
the lifespan. Caroline was the recipient of the 2014 ATHENA Award for
Henderson County.
“My mother taught me to never compromise on relationships. Success is not how much money you make but how many people you helped along the way and meaningful relationships you nurtured.”
828-693-4223 | StGerardHouse.org
“My mother taught me to never compromise on relationships. Success is not how much money you make but how many people you helped along the way and meaningful relationships you nurtured.”
828-693-4223 | StGerardHouse.org