5 simple ways to raise your money vibration
Feb 12, 2024 04:11PM ● By Tamara LeeAs a women’s money coach who has spent the last ten years educating and supporting women around their money lives, I’ve literally seen it all. What I know for sure is that every woman has the innate power and know-how to create her best money life. That work begins when she decides to create a loving, intentional, and conscious relationship with money.
From that witnessing and knowing, I’d like to share five simple ways you can increase your own money vibration and begin creating a thriving relationship with money.
1. Spend TIME with your money.
Set aside time each week and have a date with money. This practice was taught to me years ago by a client. Every Friday night, she set aside time to spend with Cloyd (the name she gave to her budget) and a glass of wine. During that time, she looked back at her spending for the past week and then looked ahead into the next week to ensure her budget was where she needed it to be. This weekly practice allowed her to begin developing an open and honest relationship with money. Money became her friend, as opposed to a scary boogeyman that she had to avoid.
For extra bonus points, tell money how much you appreciate it and thank it for being in your life.
2. Give your money to someone, or something, that allows you to feel GENEROUS.
This one simple act can literally change your relationship with money. When we think powerful thoughts and then partner that with a powerful feeling, we can really begin to impact change. Imagine having the thought, “I feel powerful when I give money from a place of overflowing generosity.”
How could your life change by practicing that one simple thought?
3. Spend money on something that connects you to the feeling of LOVE.
Love is one of the most powerful motivators out there! When we connect and act from a place of love, we literally wire our nervous system to experience living from pleasure. When we live from pleasure, we send out that vibration to all areas of our life…including our money life.
In this moment, name one area of your body that feels like love. (Example: this could be your skin, your hair, your belly, your neck…there is no wrong answer.)
4. Give GRATITUDE to all that you currently have in your life!
Practice looking around each day and noticing how you are already fully supported in any given moment. You have a chair that supports you when you sit. You drink a glass of water that nourishes your skin and body. You have a roof over your head. When we practice gratitude for what we currently have, we begin to see possibility all around us.
Is it possible to practice gratitude, in this moment, for how money has already supported you?
5. Trust that what you currently have is ENOUGH.
You are already enough, as you are, here at this moment. What you have is enough, too. We live in a consumer-based society that says spend, spend, spend. As such, this one can be tricky and easy to forget. I offer you this thought…”When I practice FEELING ENOUGHNESS in my body, it reinforces that I am sufficient in all areas of my life.”
Where do you feel enoughness in your body…describe it and then practice connecting to it through dance, meditation, exercise, or play.
As an exercise, pick one of these and begin practicing, noticing how you feel. Once you have tried one, move on to the next one that inspires you. Try a combination of them if that feels fun to you. Lastly, have fun with this exercise! The more fun you have, the more inclined you’ll be to keep practicing it.
The key to having a loving and conscious relationship with money is to nurture it just like you would any other relationship in your life and we can do that one day at a time. My hope is these tools will help you to raise your own money vibration!
About Tamara Lee:
Tamara Lee is a women’s Money Empowerment Coach helping women thrive in their money life by using a unique combination of proven money mindset tools as well as infusing somatic healing techniques into the coaching process. Learn more at TamaraLee.com.