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WNC Business

2024 L.A. Dysart Award nominations open

Dec 11, 2023 11:01AM ● By WNC Business

The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Duke Energy, is excited to announce the open application period for the 2024 L.A. Dysart Citizenship Award, Male and Female nominees.

Nomination Period: Open nominations will be received using this form from December 8th - December 29th, 2023 - For a paper application please contact the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce at 828-726-0616.

Criteria: This award is established to recognize an individual who exhibits outstanding citizenship as evidenced by their community service. Outstanding citizenship can be evidenced in diverse ways but most often includes service to the community through volunteerism. Nominees should share a trait of integrity, stewardship, and responsibility to our community, and they should be a light and a catalyst for others to do the same for Caldwell County. A rule of thumb to consider when making a nomination would be to recognize their service to the community as a volunteer and not their work associated with their job responsibilities.

This award is open to any resident of Caldwell County. Two awards will be presented – one male and one female. Award L.A. Dysart honorees will be announced in January 2024 and they will be recognized at The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting on February 8th, 2024 at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. 

Nomination Check List:

  • All nominees must be a resident of Caldwell County NC
  • Your nomination must include a written letter of support with 500 words or less
  • Your letter of support must include your name and contact information 
  • Your letter of support must include the name and contact information of the your nominee
  • Your letter of support should include the names of Caldwell County-based organizations that your nominee supported as a volunteer.

Selection Committee:  The 2024 selection committee includes a regionally diverse group of previous L.A. Dysart Award Winners from Caldwell County NC. In January 2024, the selection committee will review previous nominations as well as new nominations. The committee will collectively vote to choose the 2024 male and female L.A. Dysart honorees.

Video Link and Information: Please take a moment to review this video link and to learn from past L.A. Dysart Award Winners about the value and high honor it is to receive this award.

Source: Caldwell County Chamber