Outdoor Gear Builders of WNC announces 2023 Get in Gear Fest
Feb 21, 2023 01:59PM ● By WNC BusinessASHEVILLE – Outdoor Gear Builders, the first outdoor industry association of its kind, celebrates ten years of collaborating to create exceptional outdoor gear and experiences in Western North Carolina, with its Get in Gear Fest this May 6th, 2023, at The Outpost right in the heart of
Asheville along the French Broad River and Greenway.
Get in Gear Fest’s new location will allow attendees to demo gear on the trail and water, meet representatives from WNC outdoor brands, purchase gear on-site, and be a part of the thriving local outdoor community.
Get in Gear Fest’s new location will allow attendees to demo gear on the trail and water, meet representatives from WNC outdoor brands, purchase gear on-site, and be a part of the thriving local outdoor community.
A family-friendly event, Get in Gear Fest will have activities for all ages and outdoor experience levels including live music, food trucks, local craft beer, and non-alcoholic beverages. Attendees are encouraged to float in from the river or bike in on the greenway where they can check their bikes at the Brevard Insurance Bike Corral operated by Asheville on Bikes.
The organizers are excited to announce longtime supporter, Prestige Subaru, as the Presenting Sponsor for the event, additionally supported by gold level sponsors Van Winkle Law Firm, Explore Asheville, and The Outpost.
The Outpost, a 3-acre riverfront property, is the only property of its kind within city limits of Asheville. It features a music venue with a large lawn that is lined by sycamore trees, two put-ins for the river, a bar, a small stage, and soon-to-come camping spots. The Outpost sits just across the river from the historic Biltmore property and will turn 30 years old this year as the hub for paddle sports right in the city of Asheville. We encourage attendees to ride or float into the venue!
“We’re stoked to have such an iconic event as Get in Gear Fest at The Outpost,” noted Anna Rawlins, OGB Board Chair and Director of Marketing at ENO. “The event attracts tourists and locals alike, providing an opportunity for attendees to see why Western North Carolina is aptly named the Outdoor Industry Hub of the East.”
Learn more, become a vendor, sponsor or sign up to volunteer for the free Get in Gear Fest at The Outpost at GetInGearfest.com.
About the Outdoor Gear Builders:
The Outdoor Gear Builders of WNC is a collaborative network of manufacturers, outfitters, retailers, nonprofits, and partners that represent the largest concentration of outdoor businesses east of the Rockies and the first regional outdoor business alliance in the US.
Since 2013, Outdoor Gear Builders has grown to over 100 member companies with the mission to
cultivate, connect, and support a community of outdoor industry businesses and leaders in Western North Carolina. Part of the $28 billion outdoor industry of NC, OGB members include a variety of outdoor industry-focused businesses from manufacturers and nonprofits to retailers, outfitters, and experience providers.