City of Asheville seeking community feedback
Feb 14, 2023 05:45PM ● By WNC Business
The City of Asheville wants to hear from you! They are kicking off Fiscal Year 2023-24 (FY24, which runs July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024) budget development process by seeking feedback from the community.
The first way to engage is to participate in the budget priorities survey. This short survey should take less than ten minutes to complete and will ask residents to rank between City services and categories of capital investment to help guide Council and Staff as they make decisions about what to prioritize in the FY24 budget.
The survey is available in English, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Russian starting on Monday, Feb 6, 2023 and will close on Friday, March 3, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
The second way to engage is through a public comment session to be held during the regular meeting of the Asheville City Council on Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 at 5:00 pm. Similar to other public comment sessions, residents may comment at the Council meeting in person, by voicemail or by email. Voicemail and email information will be released when the agenda for the February 28 meeting is published on Friday, Feb 24. You will be able to find more information on the Virtual Engagement Hub when the agenda is released.
Feedback received during the public comment session and from the survey will be compiled, analyzed, and presented to City Council during their budget work session on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Staff will also share results with the community, as well as updates on how community priorities are reflected in the FY24 budget when it is proposed in May.
Source: City of Asheville