Forest City Data Center launches new initiative
Feb 07, 2023 05:17PM ● By WNC Business
Since breaking ground on the Forest City Data Center in 2010, Meta has proudly invested in projects and partnerships that support the long-term vitality of our community. Alongside our friends at the Town of Forest City and Rutherford BARN, Forest City Data Center marks the launch of a new initiative: Park Square Depot.
Park Square Depot was developed as a multi-purpose space, offering a year-round variety of recreational and educational opportunities to residents and visitors alike. It will also serve as the new home for the Rutherford County Farmers Market and feature increased space for local small businesses and a commercial-grade community kitchen for demonstrations and trainings.
With official approval from the Town Council on the project’s design, Meta was honored to provide a $300,000 gift that will complete the fundraising needed to move the project forward. We celebrate the North Carolina State Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, the Rutherford County Tourism Development Authority, and the RHI Legacy Foundation, all of which have contributed generously to bring this project to life.
Source: Forest City Data Center