Four Seasons Marketing awarded Golden Tusk Award
Dec 12, 2022 08:02AM ● By WNC Business
Four Seasons’ Marketing team was announced as the winner of the Golden Tusk Award for a Service Line Campaign from Carolina Healthcare PR & Marketing Society.
Heidi Tweed, Director of Marketing, and Leisl Vale, Marketing Coordinator, oversee and manage every aspect of marketing and public relations for all the service lines of Four Seasons and the Foundation in all 13 counties we serve. They also manage the Four Seasons website, social media channels, and online presence.
“We are so grateful to CHPRMS for recognizing the Four Seasons marketing team for our Palliative Care campaign. Our marketing team is humbled by the privilege we have to help connect our community to the tremendous care provided by Four Seasons,” says Tweed.
The Golden Tusk Awards competition is open to hospitals, health systems, medical practices, specialty clinics, senior care organizations, other healthcare facilities such as rehabilitation and behavioral health, insurers, consumer health societies, pharmaceutical or medical equipment manufacturers, non-profits, ad agencies and creative firms located anywhere in the Southeast. The Golden Tusk Awards are judged on a variety of factors including creative, strategy, implementation, and measurable results.
Four Seasons President & CEO, Dr. Millicent Burke-Sinclair, Ed.D, MBA, MLAS, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, said “We are grateful to be acknowledged by this award as it is a visible representation of our commitment to providing trusted care to our community. Our marketing approach is built on trust. Our goal is to clearly and compassionately share with our community the trusted care that is available for anyone facing a serious or end-of-life illness, regardless of their ability to pay.”
Source: Four Seasons, the Care You Trust