Frances and Richard Healy were nominated as this year's Outstanding Philanthropist.
Nov 03, 2022 05:10PM ● By WNC Business
Frances “Francee” Healy and Richard Healy are a true philanthropy power couple! They moved to WNC to retire and immediately began taking up causes. They give of their time, talent, and treasure to many organizations in the area, including The N.C. Arboretum, MANNA Food Bank, and The Wortham Theater.
The Healys spend so much time on the trails that the Arboretum has dubbed them “Wayfinding Experts” and they even have name tags. They warmly offer assistance to guests regularly. This small, unofficial volunteer effort makes the visitor experience better for everyone that comes across their path.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals - Western North Carolina Chapter will be celebrating National Philanthropy Day on November 16. Learn more about the celebration here.
The Association of Fundraising Professionals - Western North Carolina Chapter will be celebrating National Philanthropy Day on November 16. Learn more about the celebration here.